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8th June 2023, by Digitisation team

We have now added Command papers dating back to 1919

We are proud to announce our archive has now been extended to include all Command Papers from 1919 and brings together the prefixes Cmd (1919-1956), Cmnd (1956-1986), Cm (1987-2018) and the most recent CP (2019 onwards) all in one place. 

This is an expansion of current archive of Command Papers, which are now available from 1919 to the present day.

Subscribers can view these online here

Not a subscriber, or simply just want a hard copy, we have you covered. Head over to the PIO shop and order an paper in hard copy. 

We are not stopping there and have already moved on to digitising the Cd series which covers 1900-1918

All Commands have been scanned in colour when necessary, see below sample image example taken from Cmnd 331: